Gdzie jest Edward Snowden?

To pytanie zadają sobie wszyscy od rana w Hongkongu, USA, Moskwie. O ile to wkrótce się wyjaśni to z odpowiedzią na kilka pytań związanych z nagłym wyjazdem Snowdena z Hongkonu przyszedł sam Albert Ho, ustawodawca, prawnik i były lider opozycyjnej Democratic Party.
New details have emerged about Edward Snowden’s final days in Hong Kong, including the identity of the man who escorted the whistle-blower to Chep Lap Kok airport on Sunday morning to board a Moscow-bound flight.

As speculation continued to run rife last night over which country will take in the fugitive whistle-blower, Democratic Party lawmaker and lawyer Albert Ho Chun-yan confirmed that he asked Jonathan Man, an associate at his law firm Ho, Tse, Wai & Partners, to accompany Snowden in case he was arrested at the airport.

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