Uwolnić Ai Weiwei!

Kilkaset osób, w tym wielu miejscowych artystów, wzięło udział w sobotę w marszu, domagając się uwolnienia chińskiego artysty Ai Weiwei. Protestujący przemaszerowali Nathan Road od Mong Kok-u do Cultural Centre w Tsim Sha Tsui.

Zdjęcia i komentarz: Stephen Chan

I am not an artist and know little about his art.  But I admire his courage to speak up against injustice, taking on great risks to his art, business, and person.  In a society where justice is not upheld, people who want to live like a true human being have to have the courage to take a stand, otherwise we are condemned to live like cowards.  If we do not speak up when people like Ai are suppressed, who is going to speak up for us when it is our turn?




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