Rzeźnia na drodze

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Czterdziestodziewięcioletnia ekspatka została aresztowana pod zarzutem okrucieństwa wobec zwierząt, krótko po tym jak 8 dzikich krów znaleziono martwych na poboczu drogi, niedaleko plaży Upper Cheung Sha Beach w Południowym Lantau.


An expatriate driver was arrested on suspicion of cruelty to animals after eight wild dead and injured cattle were found dead by a road in South Lantau early on Wednesday.


The 49-year-old woman, police identified her only as Sarah, was picked up at her home in Tong Fuk off South Lantau Road after locating her Mitsubishi sport utility vehicle in an outdoor car park – a short distance from the dead and injured animals.

The vehicle was damaged and had animal hair on it, police said in a statement.

The death of the wild cattle was first reported to police at about 3.30am on Wednesday after an area resident found the dead and injured cattle on the pavement just off the Upper Cheung Sha Beach section of South Lantau Road and reported it.

Veterinarians from the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department arrived at the scene later in the morning to check the condition of the animals.

Five animals were found dead and two so severely injured they had to be euthanised on site. One animal – a two-week-old calf – was taken to the society’s clinic in Mui Wo for treatment. But later it too was put down due to a broken spine.

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