Wypadek przy produkcji filmu z Jackie Chan

Operator filmowy zatrudniony przy kręceniu najnowszego filmu z Jackie Chan, zatonął w trakcie przewożenia ekipy filmowej u wybrzeża wyspy Lantau, w środę o 3 nad ranem. 15 metrowy statek wywrócił się zaledwie 30 metrów od Sunny Bay (Lantau), siedmiu pozostałych członków załogi bezpiecznie dopłynęło do brzegu.

Według źródeł filmowych, mężczyzna który zatonął to 51-letni Chan Kwok-hung, który zatrudniony został przy produkcji najnowszego filmu z Jackie Chan Skiptrace. Jackie Chan najprawdopodobniej nie znajdował się na statku.

Chan Kwok-hung worked in the industry for more than 20 years and was the main breadwinner of the family, the source said. “Industry people are raising money for his family,” the industry source said.

The marine police’s criminal unit is looking into the incident. Police are in contact with the seven survivors. Tenky Tin Kai-man, chairman of the Movie Production Executives Association, said Chan Kwok-hung was well-loved by colleagues. He said he worked with the late Chan previously on Stephen Chow Sing-chi’s 1996 comedy God of Cookery.

The deceased also used to be an assistant cinematographer for directors Jingle Ma Chor-sing and Chan Chi-ying. Tin said the accident was a painful lesson for the industry on safety. “We had a discussion of whether we should revamp our safety guidelines earlier this year, but this accident happened before our revamp,” Tin said. He said his association was working on raising money for Chan Kwok-hung’s family.

Skiptrace is a joint production of Hong Kong, mainland and US companies, among them Jackie Chan’s JC Group International. Jackie Chan is co-producing the film and contributed to the film’s story board.

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